All About Me ♥: The End -->
"kekadang bila aku rasa cam takde siapa paham, aku datang luahkan segalanya kat sini. - writer "

Tuesday, 3 January 2017

The End

I think today was the end. 

Sometimes. I do wondered. Why do people keep taking someone's trust on them for granted? 

Don't you know how much effort they needed to put their trust to someone? 

And don't you ever think how broken someone's are when their trust was betrayed by the person they believed so much? 

I think today was the end. 

You don't know how much broken inside of me are because of what you had done. 

I trusted in you. That is what the most important part in us. 


What did I do as I deserved to be betrayed so much by you? By you whom I love the most. Whom I put all of my trust. 

Im hurt. All parts of me was hurt, Man. All. 

I'd make the most stupid decision by trusting you. By choosing to trust you. 

I'd make the most stupid agreement by believing you would always protect me how hard the situation is. 

I'd make the most stupid action by letting you to convince me for everything. Every single things Man. 

All parts of me were broken. Its all because of you, your girlfriend and your friends. 

Thankyou for reading :)