All About Me ♥: May 2016 -->
"kekadang bila aku rasa cam takde siapa paham, aku datang luahkan segalanya kat sini. - writer "

Monday, 30 May 2016

Its going to end very soon.... Goodbye first love

After 7 years of being together, we finally decided to separate.
After 7 years of loving each other, we at last gonna continue with our own paths.
After 7 years of staying close, we had to break. 

I do cry. Cry because at last you texted and said "And kita pisah." You never said such that straightforward sentence to me. And I don't know why but I'm agreed. Agreed to separate at last. I know I had not be matured enough for you. I know I had not be the best one for you since we had known each other. I know I had hurt you, break you, disappointed you for so many times yes I know. 

I hope we could be a better person when we are no longer together. I hope we could success in our studies and also in life one day. Thank you baby for this unforgetable 7 years together. There were so many ups and downs, memories, teases and fights that had happened where I couldn't even try to forget. U were the best lover sayang. You were my most fav boyfriend, listener, tempat nak manja also and nak mengada hikhik 

Jaga diri bebaik awak. Saya takkan lupakan awak. Saya doakan awak bahagia dan sihat selalu. Dan juga saya harap awak akan berjaya berubah untuk menjadi orang yang lebih baik. InshaAllah. Awak kalau nak cari pengganti pls cari yang senonoh sikit eh jangan nak end up dengan perempuan tah pape. And pls not with my friend too kalau tak nak kena lempang dedua -.- I will miss you a lot sweetheart. Saya paling rindu zaman kita sekolah. Masatu awak kat maktab saya dekat rumah. Susah gila nak bangun pagi2 pergi sekolah then kerja awak duk call2 saya suruh bangun kuikui (em my fav alarm gak awak ni ;p) lepastu bila awak habis prep petang or malam je, awak text. Em awak clingy gila dulu tapi saya suka je huhuhu tapi sejak masuk U ni, awak busy. Jarang and susah sangat nak spend time lelama. Sampai la kita pisah~ 

I'm sorry sayang for everything that I had done towards you that hurt you a lot. You were my miracle and my spirits. My love for you would always grow fonder and deeper day by day. I'm going to miss every single little things of you especially my fav kening tebal of yours ;P 

Goodbye, MLKI. 
Thankyou for reading :)