So tonight im going to tell a little bit about my experience experiencing interview session. So alhamdulillah im selected to go to interview for Asasi TESL at Uitm Shah Alam yesterday.
Like usual, everyone who knew that they will going for interview session gonna do some research about latest issues, educational issues, read about others' experienced during interview and many more (just like what i did kah)
My interview was at 2 p.m so i reached INTEC (located at Seksyen 17) around 12.30 something so i just wondering around uitm's education faculty. So there i looked out my name, my turn, my panel. 1.45 p.m the administrator called up all the students to enter the examination hall. Oh ya! Before interview, we have to do writting test that consists 15 questions objectives and 1 question of writting with title given. So on my personally rate, i rate 7/10 on the level of the hardship of the writting test kah. The test was held for one hour then all of the students was brought to all their spesific places for interview sessions. <--- waktu ni gabra tak terkata. otak aku dah fikir macam-2 soalan hardcore yang panel akan tanya nanti muahaha
So my number was twelve so i waited about one hour and thirthy minutes for my turn to do the interview. There's two panel which the two of them was female. one of them is malay and the other one chinese. so the malay ones marking our exam paper earlier and the chinese ones who did the interview. you know what i had been expected for really hardcore questions. or questions that i can't get the answer in a blink of eyes like seriously my ex-pehpeh-tation went wrong. 360 degree wrong!
So this are the questions that being asked to me :
1. Where are you from?
2. What are the special things that you found at your place?
3. How about the ppl there?
4. What is your favourite pastime or what did you do when you are free?
5. Why do you loves korean? What special things about them? <-- korean sebab aku jawab aku suka tengok drama korea kah*
6. So do you have any questions?
So conclusion.............................
Watlek je pasni kalau ada interview lagi hahahaha
But seriously i got the amazing experienced having interview, meeting new friends, seeing how beria other ppl speaking in english while chatting with their friends muahaha im now waiting for kptm's result and also the asasi tesl result. hopefully i got one of em inshaAllah. Aamiin. Goodnight xoxo